Macro shot of female greeneyes

17   April   2022   :  Eyes are the most important and delicate organ of human body.  So, it requires special care and attention. Long screening hours, and poor eating habits weakens the eye muscle to greater extent. As the problem continue to increase, prepare yourself beforehand because it is time to wear thick glasses.

What are the Reasons for wearing glasses  ?   

(i)  Lack of eye care

(ii)  Lack of balanced diet

(iii) Due to genetical disorder

(iv) Deficiency Vitamin A,

(v) Captivated by screen for long hours.

Quick remedy to this problem  : 

–  Get up early and Walk barefoot on the grass for maximum 20-25 minutes.

–  Take a bowl.  Melt half teaspoon of cow’s ghee and add half teaspoon of black pepper into it.

–  Take it daily with empty stomach in the morning. Then drink a glass of lukewarm water or milk. Consume it on regular basis. You will notice the difference in just 7 days.

 Cow’s ghee is also considered to be beneficial in increasing the light of eyes. It is originate from the milk of cows. It is enriched with natural fatty acid (CLA) Conjugated Linoleic Acid that has anti-cancer and anti-oxidant properties.  It also provide nourishment to hair roots and make them healthier and soft. Black pepper is enriched with nutrients, antioxidants, anti-bacterial, antiviral  properties. It reduces the risk of disease and infection and thus, helps to increase the brightness of the eyes.

Some Useful Tips : 

(i)  Wear sunglasses whenever go out.

(ii) Eat green leafy vegetables ( that includes omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamins, spinach, kale, collards). Citrus fruits, beans, nuts, eggs, protein sources.

(iii)  Avoid or it is better to quit smoking.

(iv) Use safety Eyewear while screening.

(v) Go regularly for eye checkup.

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