When one finds the true Guru, one conquers half the world, Happy Guru Purnima!!!

Guru Purnima is a traditional Hindu celebration, dedicated to enlightened spiritual master otherwise known as gurus. This auspicious day falls on the first full moon and as per the Hindu Month in Ashad (July to August). It is also known as Buddha Purnima, holding the significance of a legend story related to Gautam Buddha. This day is celebrated in India, Nepal and Bhutan by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists.
Tomorrow is Guru Purnima and let us enlight you a little about the festival. This festival is traditionally observed to honour one’s chosen spiritual teachers or leaders.
The festival holds a deeper meaning and fascinating history. Gautam Buddha, the founder of the Buddhist faith, is believed to have given his first sermon on this day. After five weeks of achieving enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, Buddha went from Bodhgaya to Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh. There he gave a sermon on the full moon day. This is why Gautam Buddha’s followers celebrate this day as Guru Purnima to worship him and the Ashadha Purnima Tithi is significant for Buddhists.
Guru Purnima is also the day that marks the birth anniversary of Maharishi Ved Vyasa, the author of the great Indian epic, Mahabharata. This day is also known as Vyasa Purnima. The term ‘Gu’ in Guru stands for darkness, and ‘Ru’ means removal of darkness. Thus a guru is someone who removes all darkness from our lives.
The story of Dhruv is a lesson in surrendering all one’s cares and worries to the Divine. King Uttanapada, the son of Manu, had two wives, one named Suruchi who was very dear to him and the other, Suniti, to whom he was indifferent. Helpless on account of the king’s neglect, Suniti took shelter in You.
One day, Suniti’s son Dhruva saw Uttama, Suruchi’s son, sitting on the lap of the king, their father. When the king took up Dhruva on his lap, jealous Suruchi severely abused the king.
Dhruva went away heart-broken to his mother, who advised him that the one way to overcome the evil effects of one’s own past karma was to seek shelter at god’s feet.
Hearing his mother’s words, Dhruva, just five years old but highly sensitive and self-respecting, left the city, determined to devote himself to worship lord Vishnu. He had an opportune meeting with Sage Narada and being instructed in lord’s sacred Name, he entered the forest of Madhu, where he engaged himself in severe austerities in adoration of God.
The king, who was now filled with remorse, was comforted by Sage Narada, who visited the palace. The radiation of power emanating from his austerity was so great that it obstructed the very life breath of all beings, whereupon the celestials approached lord Vishnu for relief.
Lord Vishnu was pleased to manifest on the back of Garuda to the boy, whose mind had dissolved in blissful contemplation of lord Vishnu. Seeing lord Vishnu, Dhruva’s heart was filled with bliss and he wished to sing in lord’s praise.
Knowing this, Vishnu affectionately touched his cheek with his conch, which is the seed of all sound. He then sang the praise, having been purified and enlightened by the touch. He and his mother entered the region called Dhruva-loka and lived there joyfully even now as the Pole Star, the Dhruva Tara.
Dhruva’s story signifies that as fixed and immovable pole star guides us to the right directions, our teachers also steadily guide us like this in our life’s path.
Guru Purnima is celebrated to honour our teacher, who remove the darkness from our mind. All the holy books of Hinduism dictate the importance of Gurus and the extraordinary bond between a Guru and his Shishya. An-old Sanskrit phase ‘Mata Pitah Guru Daivam’, says that the first place is reserved for the mother, second for the father, third for guru and forth for God. Thus, teachers have been given a higher place than Gods in Hindu tradition. Guru Purnima is the day to celebrate and pay our gratitude to our Gurus. Guru Purnima (Poornima) is the day to celebrate the relationship of a Guru-disciple. Guru or teacher has always been considered akin to a God in the Hindu culture.
Guru Purnima is usually celebrated by worshipping and expressing gratitude to the gods who like our Gurus. “On this day, one should dedicate oneself to following the guru’s principle and teachings and put them into practice. Guru Purnima has the importance of Vishnu puja attached to it. ‘Vishnu Sahatranam’ also known as the thousand names of Lord Vishnu should be recited on this day. Be in sync with self and channelize your energies on this auspicious day.”
Even in schools or colleges it is celebrated by organising special assemblies.
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