The Population of 122 villages of Abohar-Balluana constituencies will get clean drinking water after 77 years of independence

-Surface water supply scheme under construction in Pattrewala village
Abohar (Fazilka), 20 June 2024 : In order to ensure the supply of clean drinking water to the people, the Punjab government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann is establishing a canal water based water supply scheme at Pattrewala village. The Water treatment Plant will provide drinking water in 122 villages and 15 smaller habitates (dhanies) belonging to Abohar and Balluana assembly constituencies. It is a Rs 578.28 crore project and the foundation stone was laid by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann himself. Deputy Commissioner Dr Senu Duggal visited the project site today and took stock of it.
On this occasion, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Senu Duggal said that the quality of underground water in this area was not suitable for drinking and due to adulteration of heavy metals in it, people used to suffer from diseases by drinking this water. Therefore, the government had started the project of preparing these mega water works based on canal water for a permanent solution to this problem. This project will provide water supply to 122 villages and 15 dhanis of Abohar, Khuhiyan Sarwar, Arniwala and Fazilka blocks. This will provide drinking water supply to 4,75,144 people of 79,190 families but this project is being prepared keeping in mind the estimated population of this area in 2054 of 6 lakh.
It will draw water for drinking supply from the Gang Canal and has a capacity of 68 MLD. This plant in Pattrewale is being constructed by Larsen & Turbo Company. After cleaning the water here, it will be supplied through pipes to the villages of the entire area. The project is expected to be completed by March 31, 2025. Recently, more than 70 percent of the work of the water treatment plant has been completed. While 439 km long pipe will reach different villages from here, out of which 278 km pipe has been laid. Apart from this, 21 new water tanks will also be constructed in different villages while the length of the pipeline to be laid within the villages is 700 km.
On this occasion, Executive Engineer Amrit Deep Singh Bhattal said that the construction of this project will provide clean drinking water to the people which will be free from all kinds of hazardous elements and this project will prove a milestone in the creation of a healthy Punjab. SDO Ratanjot Singh, Project Incharge Anil Kumar and Saurabh Bhatt were also present on this occasion.