State Cancer Institute Amritsar and Tertiary Cancer Care Center Fazilka are near to completion : Dr. Verka

Chandigarh, 21 October 2021 : Medical Education and Research Minister Punjab, Dr. Raj Kumar Verka said that the construction of State Cancer Institute Amritsar and Tertiary Cancer Care Center Fazilka are near completion at a cost of Rs. 159.61 crore.
Expressing the commitment of his government to provide better health facilities to the people of the state, Dr. Verka said that the construction work of State Cancer Institute Amritsar with the cost of Rs. 114.61 crore is on the full swing and 85% of work had been completed so far. The institute will start this year. The target for completion of this institute was set for October 2021. Dr. Verka has directed the authorities to complete the work of the institute as soon as possible.
According to Dr. Verka, the 80% construction work of the Tertiary Cancer Care Center Fazilka has been completed. This center is being set up at a cost of Rs 45 crore and will start functioning in March 2022. Dr. Verka said that providing quality medical facilities to the cancer patients is on the top priority of Punjab government. He said that these two centers will be equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, machinery, equipment for better treatment of the cancer patients.
Dr. Verka said that cashless treatment is being provided to the cancer patients under the Mukh Mantri Punjab Raahat Kosh Scheme up to Rs. 1.5 lakh and under Ayushman Bharat Sarbat Sehat bima yojna cashless treatment up to 5 lakh . According to Mr.Verka, cancer patients are being given free travel facility for which a chronic disease certificate is being provided . He said that there was a plan to set up a Tertiary Cancer Care Center at Hoshiarpur for which a blueprint is being prepared.