Like Pooja Singhal in Jharkhand, ‘P’ in Jalandhar turns millionaire through bogus billing scam

Chandigarh, 9 May 2022 : It was ‘P’ Pooja Singhal IAS who minted illegal money in Jharkhand and it is ‘P’ in Jalandhar who has turned millionaire by merely acting as a middleman in bogus billing scam in Jalandhar.
There is a striking contrast in both of them while Pooja Singhal was the highest officer in echelons of power but ‘P’ in Tax Office at Jalandhar is a lower rang employee who wields power just by acting as middleman of his officers in Multi crore scam. But both of them have similarities too Pooja had earned huge money through illegal means and in Jalandhar too this lower rank employee ‘P’ enjoys a luxurious lifestyle due to his millionaire status thanks to bogus billing scam. He has amassed huge wealth by acting as a middleman of the tax officers in the bogus billing scam.
These black sheeps in the tax department deal through ‘P’ with all the firms and mint money in bogus billing. Such is the clout of this class four employee that he even flaunts more power than the officers. A testimony to which is that recently he had got the tyres of his car changed at a cost of Rs 20,000 that were gifted by a firm engulfed in bogus billing scam.
By acting as middleman ‘P’ gets lion’s share in the amount minted illegally by the corrupt nexus of firms and officers. He holds the key to these officers as a result Of which companies keep him in good humour by giving him lucrative and luxurious gifts. A transparent enquiry into the entire matter can fetch ED more money from this omnipotent ‘P’ than even Pooja Singhal in the entire scam .