GLOBAL TIGER DAY, or INTERNATIONAL TIGER DAY, is Celebrated annually on 29 July. It was first observed in the year 2010 in Russia.


  • To Promote a Global System for Protecting the Natural Habitats of Tigers.
  • To Raise Public Awareness and Support for Tiger Conservation Issues.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 95% of the TIGER POPULATION has been lost from the beginning of the 20th century. There are now only 3900 Tigers in the whole world. Last year, the whole nation celebrated when the Tiger census was revealed highlighting India’s achievement of nearly 33% increase in the Tiger population.


  • No two Tigers have the same Stripes.
  • Tigers are Good Swimmers.
  • Tigers can Climb Tress under Stress.
  • Tiger Cubs born Blind and attain Vision after 6-8 weeks of Birth.
  • The Average Life Span of Tiger is about 11 Years.
  • Tigers can reach upto 65 Km/h at maximum Speed.
  • Tiger’s Roar can be heard upto distance of 3 km.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Mahatma Gandhi


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