Government of Haryana
Haryana State Disaster Management Authority
No.DMC-SPO-2020/6864 dated : 27.06.2021
Whereas vice order no. DMC-SPO/5215 dated 02.05.2021., the state executive committee had declared a lockdown from 03 05.2021 (05:00 am onwards) to 10.05.2021 (till 05:00 am) and vide order No.DMC-SPO-2020/5439 dated 09.05.2021, DMC-SPO-2020/3093 dated 16.05.2021,DMC-SPO-2020/5761 dated 23.05.2021,DMC-SPO-2020/6008 dated 30.05.2021, DMC-SPO-2020/6222 dated 06.06.2021, DMC-SPO 2020/6415 dated 13.06.2021 and subsequent order no. DMC-SPO-2020/6422 dated 20.06.2021, the same was extended as Mahamantri Alert-Surakshit Haryana ‘महामारी अलर्ट सुरक्षित हरियाणा’ from 10.05.2021 (5:00 am onwards ) to 17.05.2021 (till 05:00 am onwards); 17.05.2021 (05:00 am onwards ) to 24.05.2021 (till 05:00 am); 24.05.2021 (05:00 am onwards) to 31.05.2021(till 05:00 am); 31.05.2021(05:00 am onwards ) to 07.06.2021 (till 05:00 am) ; 07.06.2021 ( 05:00 am onwards) to 14.06.2021(till 05:00 am); 14.06.2021 (05:00 am onwards) to 21.06.2021 (till 05:00 am) and further from 21.06.2021 ( 05:00 am onwards) to 28.06.2021 (till 05.00 am) in the state of Haryana along with guidelines to be implemented during the period, respectively.
Now, after duly considering the fact although the covid-19 positivity rate and the number of new covid-19 positive cases have declined, so as to continue the preventive and precautionary measures to contain the covid-19 pandemic, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 22 (2)(h) of the the disaster management Act, 2005, the undersigned in my capacity as chairperson, state executive committee hereby extends the the Mahamari-Alert Surakshit Haryana ‘महामारी अलर्ट सुरक्षित हरियाणा’ for another one week, i.e., from 28.06.2021 (05:00 am onwards) to 05.06.2021 (till 05:00 am ) in the state of Haryana along with guidelines to be implemented during this period issued earlier vide order dated 02.05.2021 (DMC-SPO-2020/5215) and modified subsequently vide order dated 09.05.2021(DMC-SPO-2020/5439).
Anganwadi centres and creches wonder woman and child development department shall remain closed upto 31.07.2021 in the state. Department of women and child welfare Haryana Shall release methodology for implementation of various women and child welfare programmes in the state.
University campus are allowed to to open for research scholars, practical classes in laboratories and remedial classes/doubt classes by adopting requisite social distancing norms regular sanitisation and covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms.
However the following relaxation shall continue as vide earlier orders :-
- All shops are allowed to open from 09:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.
- Malls are allowed to open from 10:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.
- Restaurants and bars (including in hotels and in malls) are allowed to open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. with the 50% of the seating capacity and adopting requisite social distancing norms, regular sanitisation and covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms. Home delivery from hotels restaurants and fast food joints is permitted upto 10:00 p.m
- Religious places are allowed to open with 50 persons at one time with the condition that they follow requisite social distancing norms, regular sanitization and covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms.
- Corporate offices are permitted to open with full attendance subject to to strict observance of social distancing covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms and regular sanitization.
- Gathering in weddings, Funerals/cremations all allowed up to 50 persons subject to strict observance of covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms and social distancing. However II weddings can take place at places other than home and Courts also. No movement of of ‘Barat’ procession will be allowed.
- In open spaces, earrings will be allowed with sealing of 50 persons subject to strict observance of covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms and social distancing.
- Club houses/restaurants/bars of the golf courses are allowed to open with 50% seating capacity from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. with adherence to requisite social distancing and other covid-19 appropriate safety norms. Members/visitors shall be allowed to to play in golf courses by the the management in a staggered manner so as to avoid overcrowding.
- Gyms are allowed to to open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. with 50% capacity after adopting requisite social distancing norms, regular sanitization and covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms.
- All production units, establishments, industries are permitted to function. However they shall strictly adhere to covid-19 appropriate and prescribed guidelines behavioural norms and social distancing.
- Sports complexes stadia are permitted to open for sports activities including for outdoor sports activities except contact sports (spectators will not be allowed). Sports authority shall ensure adherence of requisite social distancing norms, regular sanitization of the premises and covid-19 appropriate behavioural norms.
- Swimming pools and sparse shall remain closed.
The deputy commissioners of the the concerned districts are hereby directed authorised to work out the modalities of implementing the above mentioned relaxation strictly.
Chief Secretary-cum-Chairperson
Haryana State Executive Committee
- All administrative secretary in the state of Haryana.
- The director general of police.
- All deputy commissioners in the state of Haryana.