New Delhi, July 20, 2021: After the intelligence report on terror attack Delhi has been on high alert. Delhi Police has been Alerted, and has been informed about a major terror activity. The activity can be executed in the national capital with the help of drones.
According to the sources this can be executed by the terrorists and anti-social elements before 15th August. As 15th August is the precious day to be celebrated in India to remark the memories of our freedom fighters, the fight they fought for the freedom of our country from the britishers as ‘INDEPENDENCE DAY’.
Delhi has been chosen the spot for the attack because of its major gathering on the special occasion for the Flag hoisting by Prime Minister of India at Red Fort and thousands of people and school going children gather there to make this auspicious day memorable.
The terror attack in Afghanistan by Taliban has already shaken the world. Moreover, the demise of Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui, who was killed by Taliban’s in Afghan last week has boiled India’s blood to take a strict action.
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