Government putting lives of kids in danger by opening schools amidst prediction of Third wave


Chandigarh, 30 August 2021 : The decision of government to open schools without any vaccination for kids and half baked vaccination for teachers is certainly putting the lives of kids in danger especially amidst the third wave which is being predicted will be harsh on children.

At the time when schools must have remained closed to keep the children away from danger the whimsical decision of the government is raising suspicion in minds of people. This is must obvious as it is a well known fact that law enforcing agencies already had tough time in making the people abide by Covid protocol and it’s beyond imagination that how the children will follow the protocol. The biggest thing is that none of the children are vaccinated and even most of the teachers have not got their both the jabs.

In such a scenario opening of schools specially for the kids amidst the predicted third wave can be disastrous. But apparently under some pressure probably from the school managements the government has decided to open schools. Though in papers the schools have to take consent of the parents before sending the kids to school.

But in reality the picture is completely different as the school managements are forcing the parents to send their wards to school. The pretexts like offline practical’s and others are being made to convince the parents about the necessity of their kids visiting the school. Those parents who resist sending their kids to school are being intimidated to face dire consequences.

The result is that panic prevails amongst the masses regarding the opening of schools. This is but obvious as around 500 teachers and students in various schools have already been detected Covid positive since the schools have. Opening of schools can play havoc with lives of students but an unmindful government seems to be least bothered about it.

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