DLSA Patiala Provides Legal Aid to 333 Beneficiaries

Patiala, July13,2021 : District Legal Services Authority, Patiala has provided legal Aid been to the 333 beneficiaries during the period of October 2020 to June 2021. Similarly, Three National Lok Adalats were held during this period and in these National Lok Adalats, 4665 cases were settled and awards of Rs. 1006711597/- were passed.
Divulging the above details, while reviewing the progress of District Legal Srevices Authority, the District and Sessions Judge cum Chairman, Rajinder Aggarwal said that with the efforts of DLSA, 13 victims have been given a compensation of Rs 34,60,793 under victim compensation scheme besides getting approved 26 cases for pension (12 Old age Pension, 09 Widow Pension Cases and 05 under financial assistance to dependent children) from the concerned departments.
He further said that as per the directions of Mr Justice Ajay Tiwari, Judge Punjab & Haryana High Court-cum- Executive Chairman, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar, the District Legal Services Authority Patiala is going to conduct next National Lol Adalat on September11, 2021.
He also stated that in the upcoming National Lok Adalat, Criminal Compoundable matters, Cases under Section 138 N.I. Act, Money recovery cases, MACT Cases, Labour and Employment dispute cases, Electricity, water bills and other bill payment cases (excluding non-compoundable), Matrimonial dispute (except divorce), Land Acquisition cases (pending before civil courts/tribunals), services matters relating to pay and allowance and retrial benefits;, Revenue cases & Other civil cases and Pre litigative cases shall be taken up for the disposal by amicable settlement between the parties.
In the meeting, the matter with regard to the implementation of Plea Bargaining Scheme was also discussed and it was resolved that firstly the data relating to the cases falling under the Plea Bargaining Scheme would be collected and after identification of the cases further course of action would be adopted. Further, Ms. Harkamal Kaur, SP (D), Patiala was asked to implement the direction contained in letter No. 3780 dated 05.07.2021 for providing legal aid to the suspect/arrestee at pre-arrest, arrest and remand stage.
The meeting amongst others was attended by Sh Kumar Amit, Deputy Commissioner, Ms Harkamal Kaur SP (D), Ms Parminder Kaur, CJM-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala, Amit Malhan, CJM, Jasleen Bhullar, Assistant Commissioner (G), Sanjiv Gupta, District Attorney, Patiala, J P Singh Ghuman, President Bar Council, and Dr. Manju Arora, nominated members of DLSA, Patiala.