Dairy farming to get major boost in Punjab- 12 Milk Plants to be set up with an investment of Rs 900 crore with the support of NDDB  :  Kuldeep Dhaliwal


–   Move aimed at giving boost to Dairy Farming to supplement income of farmers by covering all villages of state

–    Rs 80 crore TMR plant to come up at Amritsar for providing cheaper feed to dairy farmers

–   Punjab Dairy Development Minister holds two day meetings with NDDB Chairman

Chandigarh/Anand Sehar (Gujarat),  21   April   2022   :   In an order to bail out the farmers of Punjab from financial crisis by supplementing their income to lead to another White Revolution in the state, Chairman, NDDB Maneesh Shah after two day long deliberations held at head office of the National Dairy Development Board at Anand City, Gujarat with the Minister for Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development & Fisheries, Punjab, Kuldeep Dhaliwal has announced to provide financial and technical support in setting up 12 milk plants in Punjab with an estimated outlay of about Rs.900 crore.

Divulging details of the meetings Kuldeep Dhaliwal said that NDDB will work with the Government of Punjab to arrange financial assistance and for providing technical assistance as required. He said that as there are already 11 milk plants, covering 6,000 villages in the State, this would increase the number of milk plants to 23 and will cover a total 12,000 villages of the state. With this, additional 10 lakh litres of milk would be procured per day.

Kuldeep Dhaliwal said that apart from this, in order to overcome the problem of pollution and to provide cheaper feed to the dairy farmers, Government of Punjab would establish Total Mixed Ration plant at Amritsar on the lines of two plants successfully operational in Ganganagar and Kolhapur, at an estimated outlay of Rs.80 crore for which NDDB would provide all necessary assistance and this would also solve the problem of burning crop residues.

Punjab Minister further said that for providing dairy education on the lines of NDRI, NDDB has assured full support for setting up such an institute in Punjab.

Punjab Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Meanwhile, the Minister thanked the Chairman, NDDB for assuring the assistance setting up of these projects in Punjab.

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