Complete transformation of office work of education department with re-engineering process


Chandigarh, September 9 2021 : With the re-engineering process initiated in the school education department under the leadership of Punjab Education Minister Mr. Vijayinder Singla, the working system of the education department has been completely transformed.

Earlier, the teachers and staff of the department had to go to the office themselves with files. This was a cumbersome task for the concerned staff. It was not an easy task for the office staff to keep records of paperwork and files but it was also time consuming work.

Under the re-engineering process file work started online last year under the supervision of Education Secretary Mr. Krishan Kumar and now the concerned employees can check the status by tracking their file online. First of all the details of every government school, student and teacher were recorded on the e-Punjab portal by the department. Each teacher has a unique ID. Any school or teacher can log in with their ID and check their details at any time and enter new details.

Gradually the department has made every work online related to the service of its employees. Now the every record related to employees including, extension of service, probation and confirmation, leave application, expired claim of retired officers / employees, teacher transfer, resignation and voluntary retirement is online. As well as medical bills, disciplinary action procedures, compassionate appointments, no-objection certificates for higher education, seniority lists, no-objection to new appointments, applying for the award, promotions in various cadres have also been made online.

In addition to this, to get the school leaving certificate, the experience certificate, uploading the data of pension cases and pensioners on e-Punjab, procedures for obtaining suggestions, redressal of online grievances, data of children studying in government schools of government employees, library books, work of formation of school management committees ect. is online. This unique initiative of the department has saved time, energy and paper.

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