Jalandhar, 09 December 2021 : Dynamic, progressive and determined Suruchi Kakkar has emerged as a frontrunner in Jullundur Gymkhana Ladies club polls slated to take place on 15th of this month.

Currently, Joint Secretary Entertainment Suruchi Kakkar is contesting for the post of Secretary. Wife of eminent Chartered Accountant Rajesh Kakkar, Suruchi has carved a niche for herself by participating in a number of philanthropic activities besides being involved in event management, teaching and social service. Hailing from Army background, Suruchi possesses MSc (Chem) BEd degree and is popular amongst all the club members for her hard work, integrity, dedication and zeal to serve the masses.

Spelling out her agenda for the upcoming polls, Suruchi said that she aims to increase Fellowship and Entertainment in the club by bringing Different and Powerful Programmes. Likewise, she said that her focus will also be to increase Social Projects of common interest for the betterment of the club members. Suruchi Kakkar also said that she also aims at bringing more variety in Food Cuisines so that the families, members and the guests coming at the club should have a wonderful experience.

Furthermore, Suruchi said that he thrust will also be on bringing more Transparency in Accounts of the club. She said that every single penny of the tax payer’s money will be spent judiciously for the development of the club and well being of its members. Soliciting fulsome support and cooperation from all the members of the club she said that club belongs to its every member and it is the bounden duty of every club member to work unitedly for this holy cause. She said that it is the high time that all the club members should join their hands to take this premier club to new zenith.

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