15th August is Celebrated as Independence Day of India since India attained freedom in this day in 1947. This auspicious day has Special significance as it remind us the sacrifice of our Brave freedom fighters. Delivering his maiden speech on Independence Day, the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru’s said, “At the stroke of midnight, when the world sleeps, India shall awake to life and freedom…”. Since then India has been marching forward as largest democracy of world and a front runner country in world.

Here are some other facts about Independence of India…

  1. Lord Mountbatten Chose August 15th as INDIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY . (Although the Indian Independence Act was approved on 18th July 1947, But Lord Mountbatten chose August 15th as the date coincide with Japan's surrendering to the Allied Forces during WORLD WAR II.)
  2. Indian Flag was First Hoisted in 1906.
  3. In addition to India,there are other countries mark their Independence on August 15. These are North Korea, South Korea, Bahrain, Republic of Congo and Liechtenst,ein.
  4. Indian National Flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya who was a freedom fighter from Andhra Pradesh.
  5. The National Flag of India, by law, is to be made of khadi, a special type of hand-spun cloth of cotton or silk made.(The Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha (KKGSS), located in Dharwad, Karnataka, has the authority to manufacture and supply the Indian flag.)
  6. Goa was the last State to join The Indian Territory during 1961.
  7. Only One Place in India have the Authority to Manufacture Indian Flag.
  8. TamilNadu CM M Karunanidhi was the first who wrote to PM(Indira Gandhi) and asked for CM's to unfurl the flag on National Day.
  9. The Current Indian Flag with saffron,White and green stripes with 24-spoke Ashoka Chakra in the Center was Officially adopted on july 22,1947 and hoisted on August 15,1947.


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